Why SHIBA INU? When we first set eyes on the small, Japanese red-coated cutie with its adorable brown eyes and a curled tail, we instantly took to it and knew that it’s a dog for us. What also appealed to us was its independent, restrained personality as well as its joy of life and a charming, Japanese-like, manner. We were lucky to obtain, after a brief period of time, a beautiful red female, L’MAKI-NA, from Matagiinu PL Breeder located in Bialystok, Poland. At first, we simply wanted a new member of the family and weren’t planning to get involved in dog breeding. After a while we started to get more and more hooked on our new passion and gave our redhead, and SHIBA INU breed, the entire heart. After all, is it really possible not to fall in love with that breed??? We now do everything in our power to have our Shibas as close to meeting the Japanese breed standard as it is possible. We pay special attention to appropriate dog socialization. Due to the fact that Japanese dog breeds are not easy to train, we put a lot of work into raising puppies from the day of their birth so that the new owners can welcome little ones that are loveable and curious of life. Puppy owners can contact us anytime for help and support.

We are members of The Polish Kennel Club and our MUKASHIBANASCHI FCI dog breeding is registered with Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI).

In October 2016 our breeding MUKASHIBANASHI has been registered with Japanese  Nihonken Hozonkai (NIPPO), the oldest, biggest and most important  organization established for the protection and preservation of the domestic Japanese breeds.

We cannot imagine our lives without Shiba